YEAH she DEServe IT

YEAH she DEServe IT

Silly boy!!!!!!!!!!

Silly boy!!!!!!!!!!
He can do dat cuz he's fine!!!!!!!!!!! Da one to the left

da so hood!!!!!!

da so hood!!!!!!
sooooooooooooo fine to da left, don't hate!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

CHY'S fAVORITE STORES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MY FAVORITE STORE IS WET SEAL BECAUSE ITS NOT THAT HARD TO FIND SOMETHING PRETTY AND FOR A GOOD PRICE .THE MAIN THING IS THEY ALWAYS HAVE MY SIZES JEANS , I FIND THAT KIND OF HARD AT OTHER STORES. I think this store fits my personality a lot because i love to be different from others and they allways have accessories AND HILLS in another part of the store to match your outfit the best.Ilove name brand cloths but some times i don't think much of small peole because there pans never fit my waste line.mY SECOND FAVORITE STORE IS D.T.L.R BECAUSE AT FIRST PEOPLE WASN'T EVEN ON THIS STORE TILL LATER THIS YEAR.tHE ALWAYS SELL PRETTY SHOES THAT OTHER STORES DON'T SELL.WHEN I STARED WEARING THIS SHOES SOMEPEOPLE LAUGH AT THEM BECAUSE PEOPLE WASN'T UP ON GAME .now you see ever body anad they moma wearing them.They always have uniqe thing coming out . The also sell gym shoes that other store sell but the only thing different is the get they stuff first and sell it before they come out some times.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

''A friend is some one by your side when they rather be else were''

''A friend is some one by your side when they rather be else were''. I feel that this quote means, Its your friend and the person is going to be there for you no matter if they want to be there or not. Although some times you may feel that your friend can handle there own problems but since its your friend he or she going to feel like you should be there for them if you don't think its you problem. That person would rather be hanging out with some one else deep down inside but they want leave you because that wouldn't be a good friend at all. TO sum it all friends should be there for each other no matter what.

Looks like me & dez!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looks like me & dez!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We So iN LoVe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I CAN ONLY BE ME!!!!!!!!!!



One Of my FAVORITE female ARTIST

One Of my FAVORITE female ARTIST